October 4, 2022
Homecoming was fun for all ages at Benton Community! Atkins Elementary students participated in dress-up days such as Superhero Day, Dress like an Athlete Day, and Blue and Gold D...

September 30, 2022
Ms. Johnson's 6th-grade Woodwind and Brass and Percussion classes help us get fired up for today by sharing their Bobcat Spirit! #BeABobcat #APlaceToBelong

September 29, 2022
As part of a new course called Micro-courses, middle school students spend three weeks working on a project or learning module to enrich their learning. In their first unit, stude...

September 28, 2022
Process art, a powerful tool for young children and adults alike, involves creating with a variety of self-chosen materials simply for the sake of creating. Sometimes there is an ...
September 27, 2022
If you are interested FFA apparel, our webstore closes THIS Thursday so we can get apparel back for the National FFA Convention. Thank you for your support.

September 27, 2022
Fall is in the air and you can find signs of fall in our hallway and in our classroom! In KTF we have been working on activities that promote literacy and math but have fine motor...

September 23, 2022
Today is your last chance to bid on obsolete items the school district is selling. Bids are due to the Central Office by noon today, Friday, September 23. Click here for a list ...

September 23, 2022
To meet students where they are, Schools at Benton Community take literacy tests to assess where they are and figure out what intervention would be best to help them increase thei...
September 22, 2022
Writing can be an overwhelming and tedious task for many students, especially when it comes to composing a research paper in Freshman English. However, as a teacher, many barriers...

September 21, 2022
Benton County Sheriff's Office Ron Tippett - Sheriff 113 East Third Street FAX (319) 472-4770 NEWS RELEASE
Two Vehicle Accident
On September 21, 202...

September 20, 2022
Click here for a list of items for sale . Click here for photos of items for sale. Bids will be taken through this Friday, September 23 at Noon. For more information, visit ou...
September 20, 2022
For boys and girls going out for basketball in grades 9 - 12, the order form for shoes, travel gear, and shooting shirts is now open. The store closes Sept 29th, get your order in...

September 20, 2022
The vocal music department has kicked off the year with lots of energy and activity!
Our show choirs have started rehearsals and learned pieces of their show. The picture is f...

September 15, 2022
At Benton Community School District we strive to provide a positive environment and experiences for all students, staff and families. We do this by using a 5:1 ratio of positive ...

September 14, 2022
The Marching Bobcats of Benton Community High School have been working hard since the beginning of August on this year’s marching band show; putting in all-day rehearsals at the v...

September 13, 2022
Calling all 10th, 11th, and 12th grade students & families - Sign up for a Job Shadow through Workplace Learning Connection. Applications are quick and easy and due on September 1...

September 13, 2022
Homecoming Shirts: The Homecoming shirt webstore closes on Thursday, September 15. Get your 'Benton County Clash." shirt or your "Beat Vinton" shirt. https://stores.teamelitespor...

September 13, 2022
I am truly excited to be a part of the Middle School this year! I am getting opportunities to expand my knowledge and grow professionally. The staff at the Middle School have been...

September 9, 2022
The Benton Community School District is selling obsolete items and will accept sealed bids beginning September 12 through September 23 at noon. Some items will be sold as a Lot ...

September 9, 2022
Description of school property to be sold:
Van #1 - 2012 1500 Express passenger van. LT Trim 5.3 V-8 engine, power locks, power windows, 8 passenger seating, front, and rear a...