Transition Alliance Program (TAP)
TAP stands for Transition Alliance Program. TAP, in partnership with Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Services (IVRS), gets to work with students who have a disability in planning for their transition after high school. This means making a plan for what life will look like after graduation, including deciding what they want to do for a career, how to build a path to get there, and developing the independent living skills they need to be successful.
Students work in this program starting at age 14, and they can continue to receive services past graduation up until age 25 with a full application for IVRS.
There are five main categories of focus:
Pre-ETS or Pre-Employment Transition Services — Job Exploration Counseling
Work-Based Learning Experiences
Counseling on Opportunities
Workplace Readiness Training
Instruction in Self-Advocacy.
Activities can be delivered in school or in the community.
Students are able to participate in TAP in a classroom, small group, or individual setting — giving each student the flexibility to support their unique needs.

Samantha Shoemaker
For questions regarding TAP, please email Samantha Shoemaker sshoemaker@benton.k12.ia.u