Work Readiness Opportunities
At Benton Community, we are committed to preparing students for their future by offering a variety of career exploration opportunities. These experiences help students build essential skills, gain hands-on knowledge, and explore potential career paths.
Job Shadows and Internships
Benton Community offers High School students hands-on experiences like job shadows and internships, offered in partnership with Kirkwood's Workplace Learning Connection. For more information, please contact Laura Miner at
Job shadows, available to grades 10-12, provide a half-day glimpse into a wide range of careers like real estate, healthcare, and technology, while internships, for grades 11-12, offer 30+ hours of immersive, hands-on learning with the option to earn college credit. Last year, around 60 Benton students benefited from these programs.
These opportunities help students explore career interests, understand job expectations, and make informed decisions about their future paths. Additionally, Benton Middle School and High School teachers host career speakers, showing how skills like problem-solving and communication apply across professions. For more information, please contact Laura Miner at
![When asked about one of her many job shadowing experiences, Hannah Greiner, senior at Benton Community said, “The job shadow [at UIHC] was amazing. I now know so many more things about medical school than I did before. I know the exact process which is so helpful. It was very hands-on.”](
Junior Achievement
Benton Community School District partners with Junior Achievement (JA) of Eastern Iowa to provide students in grades K-6 and 8 with hands-on learning in financial literacy, work readiness, and entrepreneurship.
In grades K-4, volunteers teach foundational concepts like money, careers, and business. Fifth graders participate in JA BizTown, a simulation where they run businesses, elect a mayor, and practice teamwork and decision-making. Sixth graders build on this by creating business plans, developing products, and learning how to run a business.
For grades 7-12, the focus shifts to personal finance and budgeting. Eighth graders participate in JA Finance Park, a simulation where they manage budgets and expenses like housing and transportation, preparing them for real-world financial challenges.
5th graders ran businesses, sold goods, worked, elected a mayor, and more, with support from over 20 volunteers.

Alison Vavroch, a local small business owner, supported multiple classrooms as a JA volunteer this past year.

We are proud to collaborate with a range of local businesses and organizations to provide these opportunities. Our partners play a crucial role in supporting student growth and connecting them with real-world experiences.
How to Get Involved
If your business or organization is interested in hosting a student for a job shadow, internship, classroom presentation, or as a Junior Achievement Volunteer, contact Anna Selk at