Amber Eckles

How can we find out which two substances are in the mystery mixture? 6th-grade students started their FOSS Chemistry Kit by exploring a series of exciting investigations surrounding this central question. Students worked collaboratively to plan, perform tests, and research possible solutions over many class periods. 

The mystery mixture investigation allowed students to practice many fundamental science skills as well as cross-curricular content. Problem-solving, making detailed observations, asking relevant questions, and working as a team were some of the skills we practiced daily.  By the end of the investigation, students were able to make a claim and support it using specific evidence from their tests and research. Additionally, we were able to explore new vocabulary and extend our learning through purposeful text and video resources.

It is so fun to explore new concepts with these 6th graders as they are constantly questioning the world around them and exceptionally creative with their ideas. A sixth-grade student said, “I think this investigation helped with problem-solving, but not only in science, with everything!” Another student said, “I really liked the mystery mixture because it made me feel successful. I want to be a pharmacist so it helped me to learn about substances.”