In Mr. Waters’ 6th grade writing class, students cover a wide variety of topics, from vocabulary and grammar to different types of essays. Over the last couple of weeks, students were given the opportunity to write about something they have learned in either science or social studies class that interested them. Students could choose anything that they learned from Kindergarten all the way to up to this year and write an informative essay.
Students were tasked with researching their topic and finding effective resources to use to help them write their essays. Researching allows students to gain a deeper understanding of subjects beyond what is taught in class. By exploring a variety of topics, students develop strong analytical skills and the ability to synthesize information.
Writing will play a huge factor throughout students’ lives and will be needed beyond their school days. They have been able to work and see the different portions of the writing process and see what great writers do in order to write effective pieces. These students have been growing their skills and knowledge throughout the entire school and have been continuously improving with each unit!