In Fitness and Conditioning class this year Mr. Embretson and I have put a strong emphasis on speed and agility. We have created a Google Form for the students to record their performances in a series of speed and agility tests. These tests include but are not limited to–
● Dot Drill
● 1-minute Jump Rope
● Shuttle Run
● Pro Agility Test
● L Drill
● T Drill
● 40 yard dash
Speed and agility are extremely important skills that can be trained through sustained effort and determination. These skills can help our students who are involved in athletics by increasing their speed and agility on the playing fields/courts/mats, etc. It is also beneficial to our students who are involved in Fitness and Conditioning for the lifelong fitness perks they can provide.
When performing these tests students are responsible for keeping track of their own results and helping their classmates in recording their times/efforts. This oftentimes leads to some very fun situations where students are challenging each other to achieve their very best. I really enjoy seeing the students gain confidence in their abilities as they get better at performing these drills and then seeing the results in their extracurricular activities!