Golden Ticket Parties are some of the most looked forward to days in our building. They are a great way to add a little excitement to a day or week, while also celebrating a job well done.
Individual classes earn “Golden Tickets” as part of our PBIS program. In order to earn a Golden Ticket, students must be working hard to follow all PBIS expectations during any part of their day. Golden Tickets can be awarded by any adult who sees a class doing an exceptional job. Some examples of where a class may earn a Golden Ticket could be lunch, lining up after recess, walking quietly in the hallway, a good note from a sub, or doing a great job in the classroom or a specials class.
Classes will set a goal for how many Golden Tickets their group needs to receive before earning a Golden Ticket Party. As the year goes on, the number typically grows making these parties a little harder to obtain. Teachers and students will then come up with what the reward will be once they meet their goal.
This week, students in 2W earned a Golden Ticket Party and voted to have a root beer float party. Students got to break up their day with this little treat, and also got to watch part of a movie while they enjoyed their treat. The students were so excited about “the best day ever!” and already thinking about what they wanted their next Golden Ticket Party to be.