Fifth grade is currently learning about living systems through our amazing FOSS Kits. Recently, our focus has been on ecosystems, food chains, and food webs. Students are learning about how energy travels through our world's ecosystems, from the sun, to producers, then to consumers. We are also learning about our role in these ecosystems and the impact that humans have on them. 5K’s recent challenge was to create a grand food web for the woodland ecosystem. I like to create challenges and games in my classroom, as I have found it boosts student engagement and knowledge retention. These challenges also help build students' teamwork and problem solving abilities! For this challenge, groups in 5K were tasked with creating as many feeding relationships as possible in their food webs in 10 minutes, and received a point for every correct energy transfer in their food web. Our winning group consisted of Kain, Nolan, Christian, Aiyana and Natalie with 23 points!