Second graders at Atkins Elementary are working on improving their reading fluency. Each student works with a group of peers with similar goals from across our four classrooms. Some groups are working to improve their rate while others are focusing on prosody and phrasing.
Each group is following a similar format. Groups read a new passage with the teacher modeling good fluency. Then they read with their partner who listens and marks the paper to note any errors and the number of words read. They then switch roles. On the first day of a new passage we call this a cold read and students graph the words per minute. We then practice re-reading the passage. On subsequent days we practice with our partner again and record ourselves reading the passage on SeeSaw. Listening to their reading provides valuable feedback to the students and allows them to share their progress with their parents who get to view their posts.
Lastly, we time ourselves again with our partners and graph our rate. This practiced rereading is our hot read. Our graphs provide feedback to see our improvement from cold read to hot read. As we continue with subsequent passages students begin to see their rate increase for both the cold and hot reads. This visible documentation of our learning is motivating and satisfying as students see their growth for themselves.