In second grade, students have been working hard on how to put together an opinion piece. We have discussed opening our writing with an introduction that includes our opinion, and then backing up our opinion with reasons and details. Recently, we have been discussing various inventors and their inventions. This led to the question, “In your opinion what is the best piece of technology and why?”
The class began by brainstorming a long list of technology we have at school or in our homes. We were amazed at all the different types of technology we have in our everyday lives! Students then chose what they believed to be the best piece of technology and came up with reasons and details to back up their belief. You may think second graders would choose things like their Xbox or cell phones, but there were a fair share of ideas like stoves, cars, or even windshield wipers!
During writing we have continued to work on putting these ideas into complete sentences with transition words, capital letters, and punctuation. By the end of the week we should have a first draft completed and ready to edit. I look forward to seeing the best pieces of technology through the eyes of second graders!