It is amazing that this school year is almost over. It feels like we were just starting school yesterday, especially in the Fine Arts area. We hit the ground running at the beginning of the year and don’t stop with our performances until the last week. Every rehearsal and concert cycle we have is extremely important in the development of the whole musician. We are constantly building on the skills they learned back in 5th grade band. In 5th grade, they started with learning how to play their instrument, read music, play simple rhythms, and read simple key signatures. By middle school, they have progressed to more complex rhythms, key signatures, and level of music they are performing. That growth continues in the high school bands as well. It is always rewarding to see the individual growth the students make throughout the year. They learn the importance of each part within the group and how to work together as an ensemble to create music. It has been wonderful working with them and watching them grow as musicians.
With it being the end of the school year, the Middle School Bands are preparing for their final
performance at Adventureland Park on May 22 nd . Adventureland gives music programs the opportunity to perform at the park for other schools and park guests. The best part is the students then get to enjoy the rides and games the rest of the day. It is the day they look forward to all year!