PBIS is intended to follow students' home and into the community. Parents/caregivers can play a positive role in PBIS by maintaining consistency between home and school. This can be done by creating routines, setting expectations, providing positive feedback/rewards, and connecting with your student about their school day.
Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports (PBIS)

Students at Keystone Elementary focus on being RESPECTFUL, RESPONSIBLE, SAFE, and CARING Bobcats. This includes behaviors such as following the group plan, using whole-body listening, using kind words/actions, keeping their body in the group, and using appropriate communication. This is supported through direct instruction to students on desired behaviors and feedback from staff through the acknowledgment of positive behaviors.
PBIS Tier 1- Universal Supports
Tier 1 consists of universal supports that are aimed at all students. Students at Keystone Elementary have the school-wide expectation to be respectful, responsible, caring, and safe Bobcats!
PBIS Tier 2- Targeted Supports
Tier 2 is for students who are not responding to the tier 1 supports alone. These students tend to be at-risk for developing further behavioral problems down the road. This tier includes supports centered around social skills, academic support, and emotional regulation. Around 5-15% of students receive these additional supports.
PBIS Tier 3- Intensive, Individualized Supports
Tier 3 is intended for students who are not responding to tiers 1 & 2 alone. The function of the student's behavior will be formally evaluated by the PBIS team in order to create a behavior plan. In addition, wraparound supports will be utilized. This may include other teachers, counselors, family members and any other individuals that support the student. Less than 5% of students receive these supports.

What is the role of parents/caregivers in PBIS?
Keystone PBIS Team
Administrator: Katie Bauder
Internal Coach: Emily Schulte
External Coach:
Tammy McSweeney (GWAEA)
Team Members:
Dena Bridgewater (Teacher- 1)
Kim Fisher (Instructional Coach)
Heather Mouchka (GWAEA)
Brooke Osborn (Special Education)