NHS Members: There will be an NHS Meeting this Friday, September 10 at 2:38 in the auditorium to nominate 2021-22 NHS Officers. Attendance is mandatory so we can get a full voting contingency for officers.
over 3 years ago, MS/HS Office
Students and Staff: This is a big week for our STATE! The Iowa vs Iowa State football game is Saturday. Let's bring out the fan gear on Thursday, September 9th! Support your team. Let's see who you are cheering for on Saturday!
over 3 years ago, MS/HS Office
Iowa vs Iowa State
GAME DAY!!Bobcats take on CCA tonight @Benton. Varsity starts at 7:30pm. Come see some exciting volleyball.
over 3 years ago, MS/HS Office
Volleyball team
Benton Over Center Point Urbana 10 to 0, Friday Sept. 3rd
over 3 years ago, MS/HS Office
Varsity Football
Saturday, Sept. 4, at BCLUW Round Robin tournament North Polk 2, Benton 1
over 3 years ago, MS/HS Office
Blairstown is looking for volunteers for the ticket booth at Sauerkraut Days Kids Inflatables. Students this is a great way to earn Silver Cord hours and local scholarships! If you have any questions, please contact Candi Benesh at 319-213-5576. Sign up to volunteer at: candibeneshttps://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C044EAFAA23A7F85-blairstownh@yahoo.com
over 3 years ago, MS/HS Office
Spanish Club: Spanish Club is hosting "Restaurant Night Out" on Thursday, Sept. 9th! We will be traveling to a Mexican Restaurant in Cedar Rapids. Transportation to and from Van Horne will be provided. This is open to ANY STUDENT who is enrolled in Spanish this year even if you don't have Spanish until second semester. Please see Mr. Malec, Mrs. Telgenhoff, or Mr. Liddle to sign up.
over 3 years ago, MS/HS Office
We Need You! Tonight the BOBCAT Volleyball team takes on Vinton in their 1st WAMAC Conference play. It is going to be an EXCITING night. It is “Blue Out” at tonight’s game. The volleyball team would appreciate your support.
over 3 years ago, MS/HS Office
The marching band is looking for 4 students who would help put props on the field for their show during halftime at the football games and their competitions. Please see Mrs. Lampkin in the band office if interested in helping them out.
over 3 years ago, MS/HS Office
Marching band
Reminder: There is Absolutely no wearing of hats anywhere in the building unless for a special dress up day.
over 3 years ago, MS/HS Office
Sauerkraut Days Volunteers Needed. Use the following link to sign up to help. https://m.signupgenius.com/#!/showSignUp/10c044eafaa23a7f85-blairstown Photo courtesy of Jim Magdefrau
over 3 years ago, Renee Bear
Sauerkraut days
Yearbooks are in! Pick up your yearbook in room 214 this week.
over 3 years ago, Renee Bear
MS Student Council is looking for students interested in taking on a leadership role. We will elect 5 representatives per grade. If you are interested in running, please complete the petition found in your email and turn in to Mrs. Donald in the science area by Thursday,
over 3 years ago, MS/HS Office
More Pep Rally pictures
over 3 years ago, MS/HS Office
Football team
What a great send off! Go Bobcats!
over 3 years ago, MS/HS Office
Pep Rally audience
First home football game tonight! Come out and support your Bobcats.
over 3 years ago, MS/HS Office
Benton Football
More class room pictures from this week.
over 3 years ago, Renee Bear
Classroom work
Classroom work
Classroom work
The Benton Gay-Straight Alliance will hold a brief meeting today at 3:05 in Mrs. Mayrose's room, room 20. Anyone who is interested but cannot attend should email Mrs. Mayrose or Mr. Malec. All are welcome!
over 3 years ago, Renee Bear
Benton Bobcats
A look inside some of the classrooms.
over 3 years ago, Renee Bear
Students working at white board
Football pass
Classroom work
Students You MUST have a sticker on your car by Tuesday in order to keep parking in the school lot.
over 3 years ago, Renee Bear
Benton Parking Pass for students