A look inside some of the classrooms.
Students You MUST have a sticker on your car by Tuesday in order to keep parking in the school lot.
Everyone likes a new backpack!
School supplies donations from The Salvation Army Red Kettle campaign and Queen of Saints! We appreciate the supplies and these great volunteers for dropping them off.
We will put these to good use.
Reminder of MS/HS Open House tonight from 3:30-7:30. Come out and meet your Teachers and see the building! Reminder of the 7th Grade Parent Meeting in Auditorium at 6 pm and the 9th Grade student/parent informational meeting at 7 pm also in Auditorium.
Open house reminder
2021-2022 Online Registration is now open!
New online payment system - “In Touch”. Accessible from within PowerSchool (separate login no longer needed).
When parents pay Registration fees online, they WILL NOT be charged any transaction or credit card fees. (Fees will be assessed for all lunch account deposits)
Free student lunches continue for the 21-22 school year. We are able to provide free meals to our students once again this year as a result of the Federal Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRRSA Act). The USDA has also extended waivers, flexibilities and reimbursements to aid in the access our students have to free meals. We are excited to operate this no cost student meal program for the entire 21-22 school year.
Online registration must be completed by Friday, August 20th
K-12 First Day of School is Monday, August 23rd
3 & 4 year old Preschool First Day of School is Tuesday, August 24th
Go to www.benton.k12.ia.us and click on the Registration link in the upper right corner to begin!
Questions? Please contact Melisa Venneman, Registrar, Central Office - 319-228-8701 Ext. 1504
Come out and support Benton Baseball tonight vs Monticello. JV at 5 and Varsity at 7. Last home game for this group.
Please return school issued iPADs and Chromebooks to the library. We'd like the chargers and cords for iPADs returned. Keep your Chromebook chargers. Thank you!
Please return MiFi Internet hotspots to the high school office. Thank you!!
Have a great summer!! Enjoy it!