Aaron Cretin

Scholarship season is upon us!  Seniors are enjoying their final year and are looking forward to graduation and life after high school.  We also know that soon-to-be graduates will be active in pursuing scholarships during the 2nd half of this school year.   All scholarships that the Benton Community School Counseling Office is made aware of are emailed to students and parents on a weekly basis.  Scholarships are also listed on our school counseling website at Scholarships – Benton Community School Counseling (wordpress.com). It is up to each individual student to research opportunities and apply accordingly when the scholarship is sent. 

Scholarships may require letters of recommendation from school staff, administrators, community members, etc.  Students should allow letter writers 1 to 2 weeks to write student recommendations.  Everyone is busy and may be writing recommendations for multiple students.  It is important that students give letter writers enough time to write a letter that reflects favorably upon them.   It is helpful if the student has completed a Letter of Recommendation Information Form (provided to students via the Senior Folder) to give to each person from whom the student has requested a recommendation.  This form gives them information to write a letter that best suits the student’s needs, and will allow them to express the student’s unique qualities and assets. 

It is important that students read each scholarship and its requirements thoroughly. Students are going to a lot of work to complete applications so please make sure the applicant has met all of the requirements!  Proof, proof, and reproof scholarship applications before those applications are sent to the scholarship agency.  Make sure there are no typos and that all materials that are required have been submitted.

Benton Community students are incredibly blessed with the amount of community support that is provided via the Benton Scholarship Foundation as well as local, state, and national organizations.  We are thankful for all of the community support that is provided to our students in order for them to achieve their hopes and dreams!

Webpage link-Scholarships – Benton Community School Counseling (wordpress.com)