
The Special Olympics Unified Champion Schools program is aimed at promoting social inclusion through activities, with sports being the foundation of this program. The program offers a unique combination of effective activities that equip young people with the tools and training to create sports, classroom, and school climates of acceptance. The activities are used to help facilitate and include EVERYONE within the school. Benton Community MS/HS became part of this program in 2018. 

Through the Unified Champion Program we have done several activities. Our main activity has been respect week, which usually happens in March. During this week there are different activities to include all students. We have also done a lunch buddies program, where students are invited down into our classroom to join us for lunch and other activities. We have also had peers join us during our PE time.

One other huge thing we’ve received from the Unified Champion Program is grant money that has been used to purchase equipment and supplies. These items have been used within the classroom and for our PE classes. We are extremely grateful to receive this equipment to use. This has been a great experience for everyone. We plan to continue building on what we are currently doing and continue to add to it. Benton Community is truly a place to belong, everyone includes everyone and makes everyone feel welcome.