
HS Student Council is very excited for the events planned for Friday. Here are a few reminders to help the day go smoothly.

Parade: Begins at 1:30 pm and here is the route with assignments for where to stand. The Grand Marshall for the parade is former Keystone Elementary teacher, Gina Embray. At the completion of your portion of the parade, please take your students to Bobcat Stadium for the Pep Rally.

Pep Rally: Sections will be marked on the bleachers to help Bobcats find their location according to this graphic. Please be flexible because this is a new venue and we are unsure of exactly how many people can fit in a section. Please make adjustments as needed when you arrive in the stadium. We have entertainment planned for elementary students while we wait for secondary students to arrive. Restrooms will be open if there are bathroom needs during the event. 

Game: Football game begins at 5 pm and we will crown the Homecoming Queen between games. This usually happens between 6:30-7pm. It should be a great night!