USDA Waivers have come to an end, and with it the no-cost meal program. For the 22-23 school year, if a student purchases a breakfast and/or lunch meal, these will once again be charged according to the current meal prices, or the student’s eligibility if they qualify for free or reduced price meals.
View updated Meal Prices for this School Year - { Click Here }
Free/Reduced Online Meal Application { Click Here }
If qualified, students would be eligible for meal benefits and will receive meals at no charge (free) or at a reduced price ($.40/Lunch, $.30/Breakfast) during the 2022-2023 school year. We encourage all households who are not sure or who think they may qualify to apply using the online application. If your student(s) qualify, they may also be eligible for fee waivers for items such as registration fees, instrumental rentals and driver’s education fees.
Household Letter with FAQ’s about Free/Reduced priced meals - { Click Here }
Income Guidelines for Free/Reduced Meals - { Click Here }