April Lange

Over the past two years, we have been working with the character-strong curriculum to help students learn the value of empathy, service, and connection. This year, we wanted to focus on the characteristics across grade levels. Each month, two classroom teachers meet to discuss a character trait and how to implement a lesson together. The culmination activity is then displayed at the school's entryway.

Mrs. Lange and Mrs. Mnayer’s classrooms worked with the character trait of cooperation. The teachers read a story, and then students were grouped, one from each classroom. They created aliens through group work. One student would pick a number, and another would pick a body part from a bag. After they had compiled all the information, they drew and colored to create a unique picture. Seeing the excitement and collaboration between the two different classrooms was terrific. We are hoping to continue these activities next year.

April Lange

April Lange