Students in second grade are excited each year when we begin our math unit on arrays. Students learn that an array is an arrangement of objects in rows and columns. Second graders also learn that an array has equal groups in rows and columns. Students explore the basics of multiplication (a third grade skill) through repeated addition. They LOVE knowing they are learning something that is the foundation for a “3rd” grade skill.
A fun extension activity that Mrs. Sonka’s students enjoy is building ‘cookie’ arrays on trays (using Cookie Crisp Cereal). Students support their repeated addition sentences with manipulatives first (concrete objects). Then, they transition to math drawings of objects in rows and columns (representational). They end our math module by writing and solving repeated addition math sentences (abstract). If you stop by any second grade classroom during this unit, you may find students demonstrating their learning in a variety of ways: baking ‘Cookie Crisp” cookies, building arrays with manipulatives, drawing tape diagram arrays, writing repeated addition sentences, and solving math number sentences.