Character Strong is a new curriculum for Benton Community this year which focuses on Social Emotional Well Being. This month the focus is on Gratitude. Gratitude is defined in the curriculum as “choosing to appreciate the people and things in our lives.” Practicing gratitude has been proven to increase happiness and well-being. In Kindergarten, the students have enjoyed sharing circles focusing on the topic, learning songs about gratitude, and taking time each day to focus on the positive. For the month of November, the students have the chance to be an author of a message about gratitude. The students tell 3 things they are thankful for during morning message! Hearing from the students and the things they are grateful for is very rewarding! It puts into perspective gratitude can come in the simplest form if we take the time to reflect. KTF hopes everyone can practice gratitude and be mindful of this important practice!
Gratitude in Kindergarten
November 14, 2023