Wrestling results
about 3 years ago, MS/HS Office
Wrestling results
And sew it begins
about 3 years ago, MS/HS Office
students sewing
Norway Intermediate Winter Concert
about 3 years ago, Central Office
Norway 1
Norway 2
The 7th grade Girls basketball game scheduled for Monday, December 13th at Norway has been moved to Atkins Elementary on December 13th at 4:15.
about 3 years ago, MS/HS Office
Varsity Girls Basketball Change: There will only be one game tomorrow night against West Delaware. The Varsity game will start at 6:00.
about 3 years ago, MS/HS Office
girls bb
Teachers at the MS/HS participated in breakout sessions this afternoon for their professional learning. The breakouts allowed teachers to have focused discussions around technology, social emotional learning, and differentiation.
about 3 years ago, MS/HS Office
Team Lammy: Join us in supporting our fellow Bobcat, Mrs. Lampkin, in her fight against cancer! You can order your Team Lammy shirt via this link https://teamlammy2021.itemorder.com/shop/sale/.
about 3 years ago, MS/HS Office
Booster apparel is here and ready to be picked up in the Activities Office.
about 3 years ago, MS/HS Office
Benton Bowling Results
about 3 years ago, Central Office
and more!
about 3 years ago, Dr. Pamela Ewell
Benton Music Department presents --- Holiday Kick Off -- Concert Band!
about 3 years ago, Dr. Pamela Ewell
8th Grade girls Basketball
about 3 years ago, MS/HS Office
Girls BB
Boys Basketball
about 3 years ago, MS/HS Office
Boys BB
Wrestling Results from yesterday.
about 3 years ago, Central Office
wr 2
WR 3
Robotics traveled to Trinity Lutheran today. Here are some pics of both teams in alliance together. Photos curtesy of Chris Welch
about 3 years ago, MS/HS Office
Mr. Wiebke was the AD in the '80s and brought in his 1960 Upper Iowa letterman's jacket​ for Mr. Pfiffner to try on. It fits!
about 3 years ago, MS/HS Office
letter coat
Does your student want to serve on the Iowa State Board of Education? Applications are being accepted for the student member of the Iowa State Board of Education. Each year the Governor appoints a student to serve as a nonvoting member of the State Board. At the time of application, the student must be a full-time, regularly enrolled tenth-or eleventh-grade student in an Iowa school district. The term of the student member starts May 1, 2022, and ends April 30, 2023. The State Board meets at least seven times during that term, with most meetings taking place in the Grimes State Office Building in Des Moines. The deadline for submitting an application with all required documents is Jan. 31, 2022. Visit the Iowa State Board of Education webpage for additional information. https://educateiowa.gov/iowa-state-board-education?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery
about 3 years ago, Dr. Pamela Ewell
The dance team will be performing at 8:33 AM and again at 6:22 tonight. They will be livestreaming their performance from their Benton Community Dance Team Facebook page.
about 3 years ago, MS/HS Office
Girls BB highlights
about 3 years ago, Central Office
g BB
Atkins Elementary - Kinders are learning about comparing lengths at common starting points using different units of measurement. Second graders are currently working on subtracting numbers greater than one hundred. Students are using place value charts and the standard algorithm to support their answer. Make sure to ask your Bobcat what s/he is working on in math!
about 3 years ago, Central Office